Upper chest discomfort and rash
Upper chest discomfort and rash

Lung infections such as pneumonia can cause sharp or stabbing chest pain. It can result in sharp chest pain when breathing deeply. Pleurisy is inflammation of the membrane that covers the lungs. It can result in sharp chest pain that is made worse by intakes of breath or lying down. Pericarditis is inflammation of the sac around the heart. In mild cases, this condition may have no obvious symptoms.Ī panic attack may cause chest pain in addition to nausea, dizziness, sweating, rapid heartbeat, and fear. Tuberculosis bacteria growing in the lungs can cause symptoms such as a bad cough, coughing up blood or sputum, or pain in the chest.Ĭhest pain, palpitations, and dizziness are all symptoms of mitral valve prolapse, which is when a valve in the heart is unable to close fully. Share on Pinterest A panic attack can rapidly increase a person’s heartbeat and cause chest pains. Symptoms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy include chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting. The thickening of the heart prevents blood from flowing from the heart properly, causing the muscle to work very hard to pump blood. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is when the heart grows too thick due to genetic factors. However, if the top of the stomach pushes into the lower part of the chest after eating, it can cause symptoms of GERD, such as heartburn and chest pain. This type of hernia is very common and may not cause any symptoms. An esophageal rupture may occur after intense vomiting or an operation involving the esophagus.Ī hiatal hernia is when part of the stomach pushes up into the chest. If the food pipe bursts, this can result in sudden, intense chest pain.

upper chest discomfort and rash

At present, experts are not sure what causes this sensitivity.

upper chest discomfort and rash

These disorders can also cause chest pain.Ĭhanges in pressure in the food pipe or the presence of acid can sometimes cause severe pain. Costochondritis pain may get worse when sitting or lying in certain positions, as well as when a person does any physical activity.Įsophageal contraction disorders are spasms or contractions in the food pipe. If someone has a collapsed lung, they will also experience shortness of breath, tiredness, and a rapid heart rate.Ĭostochondritis is inflammation of the cartilage of the rib cage. When air builds up in the space between the lungs and ribs, a lung can collapse, causing sudden chest pain when breathing. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. It can cause a burning feeling in the chest and a sour taste in the mouth.Īsthma is a common breathing disorder characterized by inflammation in the airways, which can cause chest pain. GERD refers to when the contents of the stomach move back up into the throat. Taking antacids, which are available to purchase online and in pharmacies, can usually relieve pain caused by peptic ulcers.Ĥ. However, they can result in a recurring discomfort in the chest. Peptic ulcers, which are sores in the stomach lining, do not usually cause intense pain.


A person may have heard a crack or felt extreme pain at the time of injury if they have a broken rib. Injuries to the ribs, such as bruises, breaks, and fractures, can cause chest pain.

upper chest discomfort and rash

If the pain becomes worse with activity, then it may be a symptom of a muscle strain.

upper chest discomfort and rash

Inflammation of the muscles and tendons around the ribs can result in persistent chest pain. Share on Pinterest Chest pain affects 20 to 40 percent of the global population.

Upper chest discomfort and rash